Walnut Lake Property Owners Association-Subdivision 1 (WLPOA-Sub 1) is a private, social beach club on one of Michigan’s natural, freshwater lakes. Membership makes summers in this corner of West Bloomfield especially refreshing. If you own or rent property within our association boundaries, the deed for your residence grants you access to this urban oasis (see MEMBERSHIP page). We encourage you to explore this very special bonus to property ownership here.
General Membership Fall 2024 Meeting Agenda has been posted! Please find the agenda for the October 16th Zoom meeting in our WLPOA Documents page: https://wlpoa-sub1.com/general-documents/
General Membership Spring 2024 Meeting Agenda has been posted! Please find the agenda for the May 15th Zoom meeting in our WLPOA Documents page: https://wlpoa-sub1.com/general-documents/
8 December 2023:
Notice to the general membership!
West Bloomfield Code Enforcement requested that the association clean up the small boats. The boats in the pictures have no stickers. If they are not removed from the parking lot by this Sunday the 10th, they will be put outside the fence.

Please feel free to visit the general membership documents page
- for access to the latest articles of association, lake quality reports, Meeting dates, Agendas, Minutes, and more. https://wlpoa-sub1.com/general-documents/

10Sept2023: Reminder to the WLPOA-Sub1 membership that our Fall 2023 General Membership Meeting is on Wednesday, September 20 @7:30pm via Zoom video call
The Published Agenda along with a copy of specific materials for review can be found under the WLPOA General Member Documents sub-page.
Topic: Fall General Membership Meeting – 2023
Time: Sep 20, 2023 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Post-Family-Day Pancake Breakfast Reunion!
Pictured here are James Thurman, Henry Bodiya, and Bill Herrick

1May2023: The board will be hosting our Spring 2023 General Membership meeting via Zoom video call on Wednesday, the 17th of May, 2023 @ 7:30pm. Please find the associated meeting Agenda under the WLPOA General Reference Documents section of this website, where the sign-in link/detail, and password are all provided.
14July2022: Please see the 2022 Mid-summer WLPOA Newsletter using the link below for important News, Beach Information, Scheduled Events, and more!
10June2022: In regards to the recent treatment of Walnut Lake to improve water quality and fish health, please review the information at the following link!
29April2022: The board will be hosting our Spring 2022 General Membership meeting via Zoom video call on Saturday, the 14th of May, 2022. Please find the associated meeting Agenda under the WLPOA General Reference Documents section of this website, where the sign-in link/detail, and password are all provided.
Additionally, the proposed Revised Standard Operating Procedures are available for download and review prior to the meeting; link is provided directly below the agenda.
4April2022: For more information on the Corners Project Development (High Density Apartments Proposal), please visit the petition page here @ CHANGE.ORG
1March, 2022 – The board is seeking applicants for the 2022 season beach manager position! This is a fruitful summer employment opportunity for which we’d love to interview anyone interested – please feel free to apply or forward the application to any suitable candidates! Please use the link below:
6 December 2021 – WLPOA Sub1: 2022 BOARD MEETINGS Agendas and meeting access information have been published under reference documents for your information; please review!
7June2021- The Board is STILL looking for volunteers to help with maintenance at the beach! We have a to-do list of a range of tasks from very simple to moderately complex. If anyone can assist or has recommendations for tradespeople to hire please contact the board by email: secretary@WLPOA-sub1.com. The help would be much appreciated!
October2020 – Important news: Tree maintenance is taking place this winter (Jan,2021) as per discussions at the 2020 Fall General Membership meeting. The damaged willow trees of the property which have been deemed non-structural and unsafe are being removed weekend of 29JAN2021. Please see the attachment below for more information and recommendations from our Professional Arborist:
Tree Removal Recommendations 2021

FYI – trunk condition post removal indicates severe deterioration of structure:
Highlights of this exclusive park
Sandy swim area and swim access dock
New launch ramp with boat launch dock, and boat mooring dock
Clubhouse pavilion with fireplace
Picnic tables, Adirondack chairs, shade umbrellas
Self-serve kitchen and canteen with snacks or quick meals (currently closed due to COVID-19)
Playground equipment and beach sand recreation area